Dear International Students of Budapest!
As the weather turns warmer, we are losing some clothing layers too. All of them in fact!
Don't get us wrong, we don't want to have a whole party arrested for indecent exposure, it's just time for an Anything But Clothes party!
Wanted to rock that toga you bought on a trip to Greece (or the bedsheet you alway pretended to be one)? Made yourself a suit only using trash, or planning to make one? Dressed up as a bear in ninth grade and you always wanted to relive those moments?
If your answer to any of these questions (or any question implying the use of irregular clothing) is yes, then do not hesitate! Come join us on the 21st of April, and show us how good you can dress without a dress.
- 499 HUF with any student card
- 999 HUF without one
If your dress is unique and creative enough, you might even get free entrance!
The DJs will be Bevild and Sammie Beats!
Check out the link:
Dress code: #anythingbutclothes
(Please note that you can come in regular clothing, but it's waaaaaay more boring that way. )
The event promotes Responsible Party.
Location is Fogas Ház
This event is hosted by 10 ESN sections of Budapest.
ESN BME, ESN Corvinus, ESN ELTE, ESN IBS, ESN KJF, ESN MET, ESN NUPS, ESN Óbuda University, ESN Semmelweis, ESN SZIE
- Everyone is invited.
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