ESN Hungary
Erasmus Student Network Hungary exists to represent and support Erasmus and International societies (sections) in Higher Education Institutions around Hungary that welcome and support international exchange students coming to study in Hungary.
The main aim of ESN Hungary is to support international students with orientation and integration in Hungary, provide guidance and support to Erasmus society committees, encourage and promote the Erasmus programme to potential students from Hungary, and represent Hungary and its member universities at the international level of ESN.
ESN Hungary meets 3 times a year at National meetings (National Assembly's) hosted by a member section. ESN Hungary also arranges a number of national events for Erasmus students to attend.
The head of ESN Hungary is the National Board, with five members and the help of six Coordinators:
National Board
- President: Blanka Korsós ([email protected])
- Vice President: Ágnes Sárközi ([email protected])
- Treasurer: Eszter Debreceni ([email protected])
- Communication Manager: Márk Krisztián Bacsó ([email protected])
- National Representative: Noémi Papp ([email protected])
National Coordinators
- Education Officer: Dóra Ferencz ([email protected])
- Graphics Coordinator: Kálmán Vendel Horváth ([email protected])
- Web Project Administrator: Kadir Saǧlam ([email protected])
- Partnership Coordinator: Barbara Bianka Pecsenye ([email protected] )
- International Projects Coordinator: Karina Dorka Tóth ([email protected])
- National Event Coordinator: Dominik Szabó ([email protected])
Audit Commission
- Main Auditor: Balázs Krabácz ([email protected])
- Financial Auditor: ([email protected])
- Legal Auditor: ([email protected])
Hungarian Communication Committee
([email protected])
- Sohith Vishnu Sai Yachamaneni
- Viktória Tadics
- Laura Fedor
- Nikolett Erhardt
- Keán Bosznai
NR Support Team
([email protected])
- Dániel Körmöczi
- Lilla Csáki
If you want to know more about ESN Hungary, follow their page:
Or check out their webpage:
Social Media